The impact of COVID-19 on K-12 school personnel and students has compounded during the past two years. Keenan hosted a three-part webinar with Dr. Scott Poland to address some of the mental health needs of school personnel, teachers, and students through the ongoing pressures that COVID-19 has created.

Mental Health Check-Up for School Personnel

School district personnel continue to work diligently to keep schools open, protect staff and students' health and safety, and deliver the best education possible while also taking care of themselves and their own families. Balancing it all continues to be a challenge. As we prepare to move from "pandemic" to "endemic," this on-demand webinar offers a mental health check-in and reminders. Dr. Poland discusses coping skills that administrators and staff can utilize to help reduce stress, improve balance, build resiliency, and give hope for all students and staff.

Kids, COVID and Mental Health

This session discusses the recently released surgeon general's report on student mental health, how to identify when students are at risk, how to engage students in a mental health conversation, and identify resources that are available to help. We will also address the impact and influence of technology and social media on students' mental health and how technology can be leveraged in providing a community of support.

How Parents and Teachers Can Help Kids Cope with COVID

Our students' technology usage and screen time have significantly increased over the past two years. This session focuses on stress management for students, positive digital citizenship, and influencing positive online behavior. Additionally, we explore the potential negative impact technology can have on students and ways to address when too much digital media is the problem.



Dr. Scott Poland

Dr. Poland is a Professor at the College of Psychology and the Director of the Suicide and Violence Prevention Office for NSU Florida in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

He is a licensed psychologist and an internationally recognized expert on school safety, youth suicide, and school crisis prevention/intervention. He has authored or co-authored six books and many chapters and articles on these subjects.

He previously directed psychological services for Cypress-Fairbanks ISD in Texas for 24 years and is a past President of the National Association of School Psychologists. He is very dedicated to prevention and has testified about the mental health needs of children before the U.S. Congress on four occasions. Dr. Poland has provided many presentations about mental health and coping since the start of the pandemic and has reached an audience of more than 100,000 school staff members or parents. He is known for his dynamic and practical presentations. He has received many awards including being named the most outstanding psychologist in Texas. Dr. Poland also has received the Houston Wage Peace Award and the Parkland Helping the Community Heal Award.